Thursday, October 9, 2008


Do you ever have those days where you feel like you don't belong? Except you can't go back from where you came from and you can't see ahead of you because the future seems so bleak. So what do you do to get through your depression? How do you make yourself feel better?
no i'm not a cutter


ChipotleChick said...

Depression is one of the hardest things in the world to ever get past. My advice is simple. Enjoy the sun, enjoy the laughs, live for the moment, and forget the past. Nothing is set in stone and eventually even the worse of days turn into the best of times.

Everything is scarier in the dark. It's time to let the light in.

Mac said...

Yes, I understand. I struggle with depression too, and I was a cutter on again and off again for so long. You just need to fight it the best you can.